Soap is one of those common denominators that we all share. Gone are the days of just Ivory or Dreft. Soap is big business! With that in mind, there are a lot of choices in shapes and scents.
The turquoise soap shown above is a product found on etsy. Etsy is a wonderful online store featuring handmade items made by artisans. (note-this item is hand made and not always available as many mass produced soaps are!) If it is not available, just keep checking back for new supplies to be listed.
Fresh is a brand that I love . Their soaps are oversized, great for the bath , hard milled to last and come in a number of scents . These bars are wrapped with decorative papers and tied with wire and a small polished stone centered over the label.

Marseilles is synonymous with the word soap. Savon de Marseilles was an earth friendly green product way before the term "eco- friendly" was coined. Made from olive oil and sea salt, this soap is perfect for the kitchen, removing strong smells such as garlic from the hands without drying the skin.
Now we're talking elegance! I absolutely love these soap leaves. They look great in a powder room, laundry room, master bath, wherever you please! They are formed from real mango leaf impressions and are honey scented. Twenty leaves to a box!
How can I forget the dudu-osun soap from Africa? This black soap is made from native plants and herbs, long sought after for it's cleansing properties. The color is great for a man's bath or a mud room where dirty hands need a little help!

This is another soap found on Etsy. This amber colored soap looks great in a powder room and has a wonderful dragon embossed on the front. It fills the room with the scent of pungent incense . This one is also sold out often due to it's popularity. Just keep checking back, for new supplies!

This is a little whimsical soap with french influence...uh....in the form of french fries...get it? It would probably be best in a powder room as well or a child's bath.

This soap comes with a Parisian ribbon and the wonderful blue graphic PARIS on the paper. It would make a great presentation for a gift basket.

Soap is something that most people will touch while in your home. You can make a statement by purchasing something unique and as individual as you are! Remember, it's all about the details!