This is just one example of what can be done with high end stencils.......

All of the designs you see are available through stencil-library.

Helen Morris is the whirlwind behind the world's largest mail-order stencil collection. England based, they offer over 3500 stencils, many based on historical ornamentation.

Helen's blog Design Inspiration gives us a peek into her world. Nothing is too difficult or too unusual to stencil!

I met Helen about a year ago and follow her blog on a weekly basis. She has a wealth of ideas stored in photos here and browsing through the catalog of stencil library will make your mind reel! So much inspiration!
I would like to thank Helen for featuring me in her blog this week. She is a great friend with a fabulous mind! Check out her blog and stencil company .

Great post on your work and a wonderful resource.
Sooooo beautiful
I will go check her out...those Brits!
May there not be one untouched surface left on the universe! What beauty, talent, wit and fun.
Thanks all for posting about Helen. She is a whirlwind of creativity!
Hi Theresa...love that picture of Helen! Thanks for your comment...whenever I see something I like I wonder...how can I do that? So I love your first instinct to find a knarled piece of wood and gild it for a lamp base. Trish
Yes, Trish. I am on a mission for gnarled wood! Your blog always offers inspiration to me.
Stopping by to have a look at the fabulous stencil work and to say Hello. What a lovely photo of Helen.
Have a wonderful week, Theresa.
Catherine! So good of you to stop by!
Theresa, Thank you SO much for including me on your wonderful blog. I laughed that you included that picture of me. The English always wander around in long frocks and hats you know. Thank you all for taking an interest. xxx
Helen! You inspire us all with your wonderful blog and line of stencils..I hope more people will learn about you through this.
WONDERFUL examples. I discovered stencil library a while ago, but have yet to make use of appropriate use of it. There are so many beautiful designs. Favs are the chinoiserie.
SF-The chinoiserie stencils are divine, aren't they? Enjoyed your post on table settings!
Raising a toast to what Home Before Dark said! LOVE Helen -- the Stencil Library has some of my fave stencils and she always finds a way of making all patterns and colors work in a fun and oh-so-chic way. :)
Regina! We all know how fabulous Helen is, don't we? I am still drooling over your new post on Vizcaya...that ceiling is just incredible!
fabulous is JUST the word for helen!
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