photo from The Style Files
They can be general, featuring pictures that inspire us and keep our minds jumping or they can be specific for an upcoming client project.
Architectural Digest July 1976
Mood boards offer insight into the creative mind.

This mood board designed by UK's Andy Clarke of Malarky shows how the board should evoke an overall feeling The pop colors and bold graphics put us in that late 60's, early 70's frame of mind just by glancing at it.
With creative exuberance, this mood board spills over onto the table top!
Located next to the drafting table, all one has to do is glance to the right to get energy and direction for where a project should be going.
Well, now that we have a cool wall, we need a funky, creative chair!
Or two!
With this furniture, how can you not be creative!
(Teojasmin will also use your own graphics!)
Who knows what you can create when your mind is given free reign? I love the concept of the lace fence by Demakersvan. They define it as "hostility versus kindness"..."industrial versus craft"....and that is where we come in....artists...creative people ...trying to add a little kindness to the planet! Happy Earth Day!!
mood boards are themselves art... a kind of collage love :)
Stop by my blog when you get a chance and enter my giveaway!
My mood boards are in the form of 3 ring notebooks. I have many- all with photos that I like for one reason or another and most are dedicated to a specific topic.
You NEED these!
They are my inspiration!
(Nice pics!)
the 1976 one rocks my boat!
Kellie, I am not speaking to you! I am still way jealous over your picture with Bono!!(check out Kellie's blog Cashon&Co.
These mood boards are fantastique! And you mentioned Albert Hadley...a fave. Who's board is it with the octopus & the stationery? Love that mind. I have more of an inspirational board with things I'd like to accomplish...
I am blushing about the octopus belongs to someone's blog I follow...I thought I documented the source, but cannot find it! I was hoping they would read this and let me know!
Do you think a mood board is more reliable than a mood ring? I put tear sheets in notebooks and tend to forget about. The ones on my current mind, I tend to leave in a pile on my desk.
HBD- Hah! Funny! All of that media is swirling around in your head though! I am constantly trying to remember where a photo is that I know I have in a file ..SOMEWHERE!
These mood boards are fantastic. They are a kind of art and very inspiring
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