Friday, April 30, 2010

Extra, Extra...!
Newspaper.....even a mundane object, in the hands of an artist can become a work of art.
Aren't these fashions amazing? Who wouldn't want to live this fantasy?

Newspaper can be a great wall treatment...shellacked , lime washed or tea stained....

Stock market sections or foreign prints are nice against antiques....

Ok, these are technically not newspaper, but I love these coy made from US dollar bills....still trying to find a source for them...

Holly Anne Mitchell is the creator of this unusual jewelry...

She makes everything from bracelets to cufflinks.....

Origami stars make up this bracelet...

tigcrafts etsy
Need to wrap a gift?  How about grabbing the newspaper! Aren't these fleur de lis clever?
I would love to open this package....great way to go green ....

Danish artist Gugger Petter has taken newsprint to a higher level. She creates large textile pieces for corporate venues and public collectors.

Gugger Petter photo
For over twenty years Gugger has worked with newspaper depicting observations of daily life.

Gugger Petter photo
Through a weaving process, she is able to create the textured surface trapping the news of the day into a unique time capsule.

Gugger Petter photo

This is what artists do...see an object not as it is...but what it can be...try to look at your world through different eyes today!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mood Boards....

If you are attracted to this blog, you are probably a creative person. Mood boards are one tool used in the creative process to provide a solution.

photo from The Style Files

They can be general, featuring pictures that inspire us and keep our minds jumping or they can be specific for an upcoming client project.

Architectural Digest July 1976

Albert Hadley was way ahead of the curve. He had a mood wall ! This would feature current projects and inspirational photos to keep his creative energy peaked.

Mood boards offer insight into the creative mind.

This mood board designed by UK's Andy Clarke of Malarky shows how the board should evoke an overall feeling  The pop colors and bold graphics put us in that late 60's, early 70's frame of mind just by glancing at it.

With creative exuberance, this mood board spills over onto the table top!

Located next to the drafting table, all one has to do is glance to the right to get energy and direction for where a  project should be going.

Well, now that we have a cool wall, we need a funky, creative chair!

Or two!

With this furniture, how can you not be creative!
(Teojasmin will also use your own graphics!)

Who knows what you can create when your mind is given free reign? I love the concept of the lace fence by Demakersvan.  They define it as "hostility versus kindness"..."industrial versus craft"....and that is where we come in....artists...creative people ...trying to add a little kindness to the planet! Happy Earth Day!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Killing Time.....

What do you do with your idle time? 

You can even track your money!

Now you can impress your friends by folding a used metro ticket into a fighter plane.

Artist Diem Chau carved the twelve zodiac signs on skinny little crayolas...

are you into paper crafts?

Reminiscent of origami papers, these crafts are made with security envelopes!

courtesy of I Do It Yourself blog, you will start looking at your junkmail in a whole new way!

I paint...

I paint when I have idle time....

I paint for a living...

I paint to paint!

What do you do when you are killing time??

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Shall we Dine...?

Ahhhhh...Rosenthal....Versace blue gets no better than this!

Courtesy-Sothebys Versace auction 2001

Anyone who has a bedroom that looks like this can certainly inspire china!

Isis custom painted dishes with their curved edges and hand painted scenes is also a favorite of mine. She combines the brushstroke technique of Italian pottery with an asian influence.

Speaking of Italian, don't get me started on Deruta, or any other elaborate hand painted Italian pottery!  If you want a source here in the States, try Gina Garner . She has an etsy store.  Using pigments from Italy and extensive research make  her designs works of art!

Slabs of salt have been used for years to serve or cook on.

Look at the beauty of thick slabs of opaque salt. They can be chilled to serve hors d'oeuvres or heated over a burner and cooked on.

Want a great look without getting out the china? Caspari has taken disposable plates to a new level.
Offering metallic chargers to compliment their many design patterns, eating can be civil... even on paper.

Remember the feel of a smooth wooden spoon in your mouth as a child when you ate ice cream from a wax cup ? Well, Conran offers an adult version. They offer knives, forks and spoons for your upscale picnic. Make your dining fun....I'm going for the slabs of salt.....fabulous!

Monday, April 5, 2010

ID-Digest.(.or....On the cover of the Rolling Stone!)

Judy Arnold , Vice President of Creative Development  and senior editor of the Paint and Plaster department of ID-Digest magazine contacted me a few months ago after seeing a post I made on Facebook about a book I had published of my art work.

ID-Digest is an international electronic magazine featuring artists, trends, creative ideas and much more for "right" minded people!

Judy noticed a post I made on a book I created on my Mac computer of my art work.

The post got strong response on Facebook and ID-Digest wanted to show the book as a marketing tool to use in advertising.

Barry L. Wingard, editor in chief of ID-Digest surrounds himself with a talented staff that seeks out trends, new products, and creative ideas for interior and exterior environments.

The article is in the current April issue! 

Thank you Barry and Judy for featuring my work this month....(I think this is as close as I will ever get to the Rolling Stone cover !)