Thursday, April 15, 2010

Killing Time.....

What do you do with your idle time? 

You can even track your money!

Now you can impress your friends by folding a used metro ticket into a fighter plane.

Artist Diem Chau carved the twelve zodiac signs on skinny little crayolas...

are you into paper crafts?

Reminiscent of origami papers, these crafts are made with security envelopes!

courtesy of I Do It Yourself blog, you will start looking at your junkmail in a whole new way!

I paint...

I paint when I have idle time....

I paint for a living...

I paint to paint!

What do you do when you are killing time??


  1. Paint, paint, paint. Also blog, market, find unique talent! Spend time with family.

    Art by Karena

  2. Theresa, love your post. Starts out quite simple and then one realizes that a true artist has stepped into the scene. You are an amazing painter, truly remarkable.

    Yes, I also paint to paint. Mostly ceramics, so satisfying and much more rewarding than doing the same chores over and over again.

  3. Karena and Gina- coming from two accomplished artists, thank you! Keep up the painting,,,it is all that we know how to do!

  4. Love your art and your compulsion to paint. I say I wasn't evolved enough to be born because I can't paint and I can't sing. So I garden, I build stone walls, I cook, I make my home my home, and I read. Still wish I could paint...

  5. That was fun! Yesterday I tracked my money...right over to the government!

  6. Your posts are always so entertaining that I like to read them twice. They invite lingering, I guess you could say. Or loitering. Ha!

    I will catch up with all the fun when I get back from the beach.

    Wishing you a great two weeks. Happy painting, Theresa.

  7. i love the painting behind the bed in the bedroom . gorgeous. you are so talented!
    if i saw that guy from KISS on my dollar bill i'd frame it. so funny! ( i think that's Gene Simmons, right?)
    .... oh how funny...i just wrote that and the "word verification" for me to type in is "tacki"

  8. lol about the word "tacki" about Gene Simmons!!!!

  9. Yeah, I think Gene SImmons and "tacki" are synonymous!

  10. lulu-the running joke has been that she should acquire an Italian lover to go with the new decor!

  11. Blog? Or weed. Or see how much housework I can do in 15 minutes! I do love to doodle and use a stack of white copier paper as my mouse pad so I can doodle away while at my desk. Love your way of killing time! Leaving a lovely thumbprint behind you. I tagged you on my last post, Theresa...if you feel like playing! Trish

  12. When i have time i make cakes...real ones or paper cakes ! and well i dream of having more time to read or sew..
    I'm in admiration of your superb painting Theresa !

  13. Beautiful post ! I cook , and I read but I also dream of new destinations ....and more

  14. I love your painting...always so elegant with a sly sense of humor. :) When not in Art, I idle my time away with writing, dancing and reading. Not all at the same time. ;)
