Sunday, April 10, 2011

Salon...Atlanta, Ga 2011

Anita Medina panel

No, this is not a photo of the Assyrian lions in the Louvre...this is a decorative painting done by artist Anita Medina.
  A large group of international  decorative painters just gathered in Atlanta, Ga for the 2011 Salon.

Salon exhibits the most prestigious level of art  by decorative artists.

Pierre Finkelstein
Examples of marbles and wood graining by the best of the best are on exhibit. Each year, there is a theme to the gathering...this year it was "Secrets".

Jan Berghuis

Lectures were also offered by the artists for the "insiders"that attended .

This piece by Jans Berghuis, is based on the golden rule and was elaborated on in his lecture on the secrets of the universe.

Each piece exhibited had incredible detail and only got better the closer you viewed them.

Julien Gautier

Layers of shading and highlights are painted to produce intricate folds in fabric and carved marbles.

This is a detail of Julien Gautier's work showing how precise his lines are between shadow and light.

Natali Hallburg worked on a fantastic portrait of a child.  The expression on her face was perfect!

Mats Carlson 

It is all about the illusion of depth, shadow and light and the play of three dimensional with the flat canvas. Mats Carlson did a great example of what a decorative artist does best....fool the eye!


  1. OMG!

    Anita's piece is beyond amazing, actually.

  2. Great, Theresa! I second what Steve said!!

  3. What Steve said and MORE! lol.. been commenting on the works I've seen, this has to be a must next time they are in the country. :)

  4. These are outstanding artists, wish I could go see them. yvonne

  5. Fabulous piece by Anita! Please tell her hello for me!

  6. Dear Theresa, you must have had a great time. What fantastic work to admire. And, by the way, you look charming in your beribboned smock.

  7. Thank you, Theresa! Amazing work - all of it - but Anita's piece is unbelievably outstanding. She is an incredible artist and a lovely person.


  8. Masters! Love seeing this up close even if it's via the net. Thanks, T. Your smile says it're having a blast, aren't you?

  9. Theresa so excellent I love to see works of art like this!!So much talent!

    Art by Karena

  10. they all are amazing anitas tiles are knocking me out and what about the red drop of liquid from MATS omg pick me up off the ground!

  11. Theresa, thanks for showing whole works as well as details of this inspiring gathering - I feel as though I'm looking over your shoulder. I also see that you finished that smock border design - looks good!

  12. Stunning. I am in awe of such talent. So glad I found your blog!

  13. Thanks all! I am still trying to process everything and get back into reality.
    Ann-thanks for visiting my blog. I like your post on lover's eyes.

  14. Oh!! the last picture is almost like a photo!

  15. Great photos Theresa !

  16. Such talent! The examples are awesome and SO detailed. I live for this stuff!
    Beautiful post.
    Thank you!

  17. All wonderful. Mat's drop of wine is amazing and everything I watched Nathalie paint at the last Salon was fantastic. I am going to revisit my pics from Salon 10 and look forward to more of yours.
