Re-purpose, Re-use and Re-cycle was definitely the green theme of the June 2011 market held at the World Trade Center in Dallas, Texas.
I attended the home and gift show to see the trends influencing the next year.
Natural materials re-cycled and re-used in organic designs were the themes of many showrooms.
Etched mirrors mimicking salvaged materials were strong last year and the techniques are even better this time! Stenciled designs are etched in and antiqued.
Graphics are still strong, antique prints are scanned and used in trays, lampshades and other re-purposed ways.
The designs give the feel of heritage and antiquity.
Salvaged canvas with stenciled graphics is even stronger this year. Seen in pillows, satchels and bedding, this once commercial look is now interpreted for home use.
The influence of a lean economy has taught us all to re-use, re-purpose and re-think our purchasing practices. Finding a new way to use an old item in our environment is now the chic thing to do!