Sunday, March 4, 2012

Kaveri Singh...An Artist Through Immersion

Kaveri Singh has many talents, but ornamentation is one she does particularly well!

To quote her website-"I should say that  my journey in the arts, my understanding of decoration and the rhythm and flow of colors- the core of my aesthetic-had already acquired its essence in India."

Kaveri grew up in India, but was sent to Europe by her father at seventeen to not merely look at art in books, but to experience it first hand.
These ornate ceiling and wall designs  are from a job in Beverly Hills . 

These arabesque designs she produced for the client were based on a fragment from the 1520's which later became commonly known as the arabesque knot. Singh does her homework and gives her clients authentic ornamentation. I hope you will review her website and see more of her wonderful work.


  1. Magnific work!Very interesting to visit her website!Thanks!

  2. What gorgeous designs, those arabesques are as if transported from a different world altogether!

  3. I did visit Kaveri's site and enjoyed the luxe of her work. It sounds as though her father's gift was a major factor in her life's work.

  4. Kaveri has an incredible talent and I'm so glad we are seeing so much more of her artistry. Plus, she's a wonderful person -- thank you for showcasing her. Those arabesques alone...

  5. Hello
    I loved this blog post, You are very talented & This website is really worth to be checking
    Thank You

  6. Hi Theresa, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  7. Thank you Chris. I will visit your blog!

  8. Theresa I visited her site and was just in awe!! such stunning works of art.

    Art by Karena

  9. Hello
    Do you have more great articles like this one? I appreciate the incredible dedication seen in this piece.
