There are so many repeating patterns in nature....

Have you ever really looked at the whorls and lines in a fingerprint?
really looked?
the arts have looked closely at nature for centuries and mimicked the earth patterns around them.
look at this aerial shot of a much like the whorls and lines of a fingerprint!
the linear quality of molas....
so similar to the camouflage of a zebra!

The bees have it figured out.....

How perfect their honeycomb engineering has been for centuries..

It has been copied in so many ways in our world.

Through tile, fencing, mosaics, wallpaper and graphic designs...

Look no further than our own bodies for repeating patterns in nature. This is a photo of brain nerve cells...remind you of anything?

what about the twisting, interwoven tributaries of a river?

They all are similar to the veining in marble.

This is a cross section of nerve tissue...

It reminds me so much of the fantasy marbles done by Jean Luc Sable of France.

so, look no further than your backyard for inspiration next time you want to be creative...

Cultures have been doing this for centuries!
Hi Theresa, Did you take a print from my forefinger. Looks just like mine. Maybe we are related. That is probably why we like so many similar things.
Often I ask my students to take pictures or sketches of road base. The cracks mimic marble veining.
Great post. thanks for sharing.
This is an amazing post! How often we go through our day without taking notice of these beautiful patterns.. thank you for pointing out these spectacular similarities!!
Gina! LOL! I love it! The cracks in the road bed are another great example for veining! Yes, we probably are related...hope to meet you someday!
Karen-It is amazing how many things are the same or simlar patterns. Thanks for stopping by to read my post.
Your post always leave me thinking long after I have left my computer.
My eyes and mind will be open for days looking for these patterns.
Through the eye of an artist!
Cool post!
This is so inspiring! This morning i've been lining notebooks with marbled paper...gosh i wish i had some so creative as the one you're showing here...what a fabulous artist!
Have a great sunday, Theresa!
FA.BU.LEUX! I love your post Theresa. Clever beautiful and food for thought and closer notice indeed. Bravo. Merci.
Theresa, great post wth so many examples of interlacing ptterns. I love it!!
Art by Karena
Fabulous post Theresa!!
I think about these similarities in nature all the time but have never considered how they've been translated to material things like you've shown. There is nothing like God's handiwork, it's awe inspiring!!
Your posts are works of art, I so look forward to them. Thank you!!!!!!
Hi Theresa! La D. left me a message about your post and I decided to have a peek for myself. Really lovely and thoughtful post.....great how you tied it all together! I won't look at any of these things in quite the same way, again. Looking forward to hearing more from you! Happy day.
xx Suzanne
This is such an enlightening and enjoyable collection of treasures!
The last one, is it a picture of a Caroline Sweetgrass basket in the making? I own one, a cherished souvenir.
You have a keen eye, yes it is a Caroline sweetgrass basket!
Hi Theresa, Did you know that Jean Luc Sable is teaching at IDAL convention this year?
Helen....I am taking a class with Jean-Luc!!!! Can't wait!!!!!!
wonderful post! Thx
Theresa, do you know the book "Sensitive Chaos, the creation of flowing forms in water and air" by Theodor Schwenk? published by the rudolf steiner press. You can find used copies around.
It's a great primer for understanding universal patterns since most of them are related to water and its movements. It came out first in 1965, WAY ahead of it's time.Brilliant book.
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