What can you not live without in your daily life? What makes it easier for you and reduces stress? Well, it starts with the Italian toothpaste Marvis for me!! Their flavors are incredible and the packaging is top notch! Jasmin is my favorite.
Don't get me started on music....must have my iPod . I listen to music when I paint. It sets the mood and affects my productivity. Music is more important to me than tv.
If I want something sweet, I grab a butter crisp by Jules Destrooper. With only ten in a box, you can't over indulge!
Must have my Hermes! I use Caleche, 24 Rue Faubourg and Eau de Merveilles. I wear one of them every day. Introduced in 2004, Eau de Merveilles is my favorite with its woody topnotes, amber and pink pepper. It is lighter that the other two and great even when I am painting.

What is life without humor? On a particular tough day, I always turn to Ennio Marchetto. Born in Venice (hmmmm...is there a theme to my likes?) he is an amazing comedian. YouTube has hours of classic Ennio to watch. With the holidays here, daily life can get lost in the shuffle. Try to keep it simple and let the daily rituals keep you grounded. Let me know what you cannot live without on a daily basis!