Saturday, March 27, 2010


Tonight there was a party at the home of one of my best client's.

The weather was great as the caterer's set up outside....

The flowers began to arrive and were placed in each room...

As well as outside...

Three rooms of my work were featured....the dining room ceiling...

The living room ceiling....

and the fresco on the patio.....

Everyone had a great time...lots of friends came and the music and food were perfect. The function was a fundraiser for an organization and my work was featured to help with the efforts....I hope you all take time to enjoy moments with your friends and have many soirees to attend this spring!


D.B. said...

Your work is gorgeous! Stunning! I'm blown away by your talent!

Theresa Cheek said...

Thanks! It was a great party.

Lee said...

You are you have close up pictures ...just amazingly gorgeous. Man oh man, Theresa, that makes my neck hurt and the scaffolding ... I have tried it and my hat is off to you...I always would get situated and remember something I left below ...seems I spent all day climbing instead of painting. You are an amazing artist.

Theresa Cheek said...

I climb up and down scaffolding way too many times! I just call it my workout time!

home before dark said...

Stunning of talent and generous of heart. Kudos to your talent and to your client who has the daring. Great combo by the way.

Cashon&Co said...

That dining room ceiling is Dynamite!! Totally gorgeous!!!

Karen Hetzer said...

Very cool :-)

Fifi Flowers said...

Oooh la la LOVELY!!!

Trouvais said...

Wow Theresa!!! Thank you for showing us...just gorgeous. I'm so impressed! On a plebeian note...That was April '09...LAST years World of Interiors. XO Trish

Unknown said...

Juste un mot: bravo!! beautiful work!!

My Castle in Spain said...

Theresa, you amaze me !! this is just fabulous...
and i bet you had a wonderful time...
Félicitations !!

psst : i forgot to tell you but i've passed on the Beautiful Blogger award to you (on my jasmine post) :-)

Theresa Cheek said...

Thank you Lala!!! You amaze me right back! ;)

Mélanie A. said...

Your work is stunning... I guess you had a wonderful time... You look fantastic

My Grama's Soul said...

Beautiful work!! Boy do I love all that color!



French-Kissed said...

OMgoodness! I was captivated by the ceiling in the first photo and I read on to discover that you created it. I would love to see a close up...can't figure out exactly what is going on but it is fascinating! Party on!


Parisbreakfasts said...

If Bear only had a soiree like this to attend, he would stop whining instantly.
Gorgeous green bunny among many other treasures here!

Marie Vanesse said...

Magnifique, Theresa !!! The dining room ceiling looks stunning (close-ups, please?)

...and I LOVE the scarf you wore at the party ;)

Theresa Cheek said...

Tell Bear I am sure he will be invited to all the best soirees in New York this spring!

Merci! It was a wonderful night ;)

Beth Connolly said...

Your work is wonderful.

ceecee said...

Just an endless stream of fabulousness out of you, Ms. Theresa. Congratulations on your TV spot. Can't wait to watch. Happy to be back visiting with you!


ceecee said...

I've just left you a comment and now I received an error, so I don't know if it went through. Here is a recreation:

You are just full of fabulousness, Ms. Theresa. Congratulations on your upcoming TV spot. I can't wait to watch. So happy to be back visiting with you.


stencil helen said...

Totally wonderful, the art, the party and you.

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